
OzoNews, Volume XXI, 30 November 2021 issue

OzoNews, Volume XXI, 30 November 2021 issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Operation DEMETER VII clamps down on illegal transboundary shipments of waste and ozone depleting substances
3. Controlling Chemical Feedstocks under the Montreal Protocol Will Protect Oceans and Atmosphere
4. The Cold Truth About HFC Phasedowns
5. More Countries Include HFC Emissions Reduction in Climate Accounting
6. Iran: Na¬tu¬ral fo¬am blo¬wing agents on the ri¬se
7. India cooling action plan and state of implementation
8. Asia-Pacific launch a year-long Ozone2Climate Art Contest
9. Results of ozone layer preservation project - Cuba
10. Biden Sends Kigali Amendment to U.S. Senate, Recommending Ratification
11. Polluting greenhouse gases being sold online and smuggled to UK
12. Midea sets benchmark for more climate protection with first R290 model on the German-European market
13. Heating & Cooling in Italy, Heat Pumps Towards 2030
