
OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 July 2023 issue

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 July 2023 issue

In this issue:   1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications. 2. New and updated guides and submission forms for the preparation of project proposals. 3. A review of current understanding of HFC-23 emissions and contributing source processes. 4. “Towards efficient, controlled and smart Refrigeration.”  5. A Cooler Future: The Role of Solid-State Cooling in Reducing Carbon Emissions;  6. The Pros and Cons of Magnetic Refrigeration Systems;  7. Combating depleting ozone layer: EPA to certify refrigeration technicians (Ghana);  8. Establishing the refrigerant recovery and reclaim (RRR) centres network in Chile
9. Cool MRV: Combining emissions reporting with enforcement of standards and labelling for cooling products in Latin America and the Caribbean (04 August 2023, 14:00 – 15:00 UTC, Spanish)
10. Peru: Legislative decree approving the Law for the Integral Management of Chemical Substances published;  11. Vanuatu's Case Study on Integrating ODS/HFC Module into the National Single Window System; 12. Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Servicing Technicians in Mongolia;
  13. Qatar organises first forum on handling hazardous materials; 14. ATMO America: U.S. EPA to Propose HFC Management Provisions by End of Summer;  15. Plant Protection Today - APHIS' Recent Successes in Reducing Methyl Bromide Use; 16. How to set up and manage logbooks for refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat pump and other types of equipment; 17. Les bénéfices environnementaux du refroidisseur adiabatique : une alternative
écologique aux climatiseurs traditionnels
