Inclusive Leadership in the RAC Sector: Peru’s Commitment to Gender Equality

Lima, Peru, 30 April 2024 − Latin America is stepping up its efforts to transform the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector into a more inclusive, diverse, and safe space for everyone. Peru has taken a significant step in becoming the second gender pilot project of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction in Latin America.

Sarah Nakanyika: A Woman Leading Cooling Advancement in Zambia

Your air-con breaks down and you call for a technician but to your surprise, a female technician shows up at your doorstep with her toolbox!   This is becoming a common practice in Zambia! Meet Sarah Nakanyika a female Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (RAC) technician and pioneer of women-empowerment in the RAC sector in Zambia.

Impacts of female leadership