• Overview

289 persons participated at the GMGSF, where interactive discussion took place, exchange of information and updates were done, included status report and discussion on the state of UNEA2 negotiations. One of the hot issues was of course the update of the UNEP’s Stakeholder Engagement Policy. The GMGSF also included a short course: “How to Engage with UNEA for newcomers” and an event on UNEP Social and Environmental Safeguards. Several panels on main topics were organised to discuss options for implementation of SDGs, environmental actions and other UNEA2 outcomes. The meeting developed as always a common statement for the opening plenary and “thematic cluster” groups were established  to follow and interact on main messages for UNEA2. Participants also dialogued with outgoing ED Achim Steiner. The meeting ended with a lively discussion on options to strengthen GMGSF and other aspects of ongoing MGoS involvement in UNEP discussions and initiatives.

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