• Overview
  • UN Civil Society Conference
  • Summit for the Future

The UN Civil Society Conference is dedicated to shaping discussions at the Summit for the Future towards the Pact for the Future.

Mobilizing a wider variety of groups, the Faith for Earth Coalition and partners aims to mobilise and convene efforts by faith actors globally for effective participation and engagement across a range of issues.

The opportunity for enhanced cooperation that the Summit of the Future creates calls for meaningful youth engagement, inclusivity of marginalised and under-represented groups to develop innovative solutions for the triple planetary crisis.

This conference brings together diverse stakeholders - from UN officials, international civil society organizations, to youth changemakers, academia, public opinion makers and international media.


The Peoples Pact


Impact Coalitions

Arts, Culture, and Faith-based Solutions

An alliance advocating for the integration of art and cultural expression into UN processes, while promoting their representation and encouragement at national levels. Committed to amplifying diverse voices, including faith-based, ethnic, linguistic, immigrant, and artistic communities, enriching global dialogue with their unique cultural perspectives and traditions.

Focal Point: Lisa Russell (lisa@create2030.org)

The event will be held on Friday, May 10, 2024 from 12:30 to 2:00 PM (EAT) in a hybrid manner. Sign up on the Zoom Calendar here (shortened URL: https://t.ly/_Jyzq).


Meaningful Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Solidarity

Youth and Intergenerational Engagement: Collective Action for Youth, Adolescents and Older Generations.  A collaborative platform for youth, adolescents, older people and all generations in all their diversity and geographical settings to connect, work together and share expertise to meaningfully engage in the processes of the Pact for the Future (including its Annexes) and follow-up. The engagements will complement the aim for a collective future that safeguards intergenerational and sustainable wellbeing.

Focal Point: Sameh Kamel (youth-intergen-ic@unmgcy.org)


ImPACT Coalitions - About

Preliminary List of Impact Coalitions



  • Theme: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development and a more Equitable Future
  • Organizers: Partnerships for Change (UNEP accredited), Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) (ECOSOC & UNEP accredited) in collaboration with UN Environment Programme, and other youth-focused organizations.
  • Date: 09/05/24
  • Time: 11:45 – 13:00
  • Venue: Conference Room 8

Background: The workshop will address the pressing need for intergenerational equity in the face of the triple planetary crisis. Drawing from recent milestones such as the UNEP@50 celebrations and the Stockholm+50 conference, with the aim to emphasize the importance of sustainable development practices that safeguard the rights of present and future generations.

Relevance to the Summit of the Future: This workshop directly responds to global calls to action and aims to galvanize momentum leading up to the UN Civil Society conference. By focusing on the role of youth in bridging environmental challenges, the workshop will demonstrate how intergenerational equity is crucial for the success of the Summit of the Future and beyond.


Unheard Voices of the Future

The Laudato Si' Movement will participate in 60 minute panel on 9th May at 13:30pm in the Intergenerational and Youth Hub Tent (limited capacity). The Virtual link is https://unheardvoicesonthefutures.eventify.io/q/#/overview  

The panel is comprised of:


  • Nolita Mvunelo, Club of Rome


  • Luci Attala, BRIDGES
  • Fadi Daou, Globethics
  • Keshoe Isaiah, Indigenous Climate Action
  • Ashley Kitsya, Fossil Free Africa/Laudato Si'Movement