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Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) 2022 successful held

The 19th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) was successful held online from 7 to 10 February 2022. It was the largest GMGSF held in history, with over 800 registrations, 656 participants connected from all over the world, and a total of 23994 visits on the GMGSF online platform.

The Forum had the rich workload to prepare for the largest number of events in all GMGSF: 73/333 resolution, OECPR, UNEA 5.2, UNEP@50, and Stockholm+50. It was carried out in a way to ensure the highest transparency.

During the Forum, participants debated and concluded MGS inputs on 4 draft resolutions and clusters: Marine and plastic pollution; Nature-based solutions; Chemicals; and Green Recovery. The Forum also worked on the following 3 themes: The UNEP We Want / UNEP@50; Stockholm+50; Environmental Governance/Resolution 73/333.

Among those registered, 32% came from Africa, 24% from Europe, 17% Asia and the Pacific, 10% from Latin America and the Caribbean, 8% North America, and 3% West Asia. 6% did not provide region information.

The MGS Global Joint Statement would be shared when ready.

ENB coverage of GMGSF 2022 can be found here: Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) | IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The GMGSF Bulletin can be found here.

The MGS Joint Global Statement can be found here