• Overview
  • About
  • Who is it for & What does it entail?

The Faith for Earth Empathy Leadership (FEEL) Programme is a specialised international certificate course to sensitise children and youth, designed to make the environment an emotional and experiential affair. It is a collaborative effort of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur, the Faith For Earth Coalition of the United Nations Environment Programme, and UNEPs India Country Office.

In order to build to secure a better future for our planet in crisis, we need to reach the hearts and minds of people to transform our relationship with the planet. Faith actors around the world offer unique insights into this relationship and SRMD, through the FEEL Programme have designed a practical learning programme to facilitate this. Read the Press Release.

Are you interested in launching FEEL in your community? Contact unepfeelprogram@divinetouch.srmd.org


The FEEL Programme is designed to go beyond textbook learning and personalises environmental education with values, nudging young minds to develop a deeper way of thinking, feeling, and interacting with nature. 

It assists children and teens in developing their emotional quotient (EQ) but also effortlessly instils age-appropriate skills in them. From arousing a sense of empathy in them to ensuring that they also learn how to envision transformation, execute their plans and empower others to do the same. This holistic programme is designed for schools, universities and virtual classrooms alike.

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Follow the Launch of the FEEL Programme on Social Media

YouTube - https://youtu.be/O52OpgJN7Hk

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/reel/CraP7-zv2nY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Twitter – https://twitter.com/SRLoveandCare/status/1650003405769936896?s=20 

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/shrimad-rajchandra-love-%26-care_srloveandcare-loveandcare-earthday-activity-7055766684367822848-RpuR?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


The programme has two levels:

  • Junior (ages 8-12)
  • Senior (ages 13-18)

The curriculum includes theory lessons as well as practical training on six interactive modules:

  1. Watch Your Waste
  2. Shift the Plastic Paradigm
  3. Make Every Drop Count
  4. Grow Green
  5. Embrace the Eco-Family
  6. Combat Climate Change


The FEEL Programme Certification

Upon successful completion of the FEEL Programme, SRMD and UNEP Faith for Earth present teens with a unique opportunity to be agents of change as ‘Empathy Leaders’ demonstrating a level of environmental empathy, fuelled by faith. At a time when universities, institutions, and employers are looking forward to welcoming individuals who are emotionally as well as intellectually empowered, the FEEL Programme can facilitate unlocking quintessential values and fostering diverse skillsets.

Join the FEEL movement with a global network of young leaders. Become a part of the Culture of Compassion today!

Faith for Earth Empathy Leadership Programme