• Overview
  • Documents

Date: 10 September 2021

Time: 2:00 PM

Interpretation: Working Languages: English and French

Registration Page: https://indico.un.org/event/36691/

The first part of the 18th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment took place virtually from 13 September to 16 September 2021.

(More information on that meeting available at:  https://www.unep.org/events/conference/eighteenth-session-african-ministerial-conference-environment)

In order to prepare for that meeting, the African Major Groups and Stakeholders convened a preparatory meeting on 10 September 2021. 

The minutes for that meeting may be accessed at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WpYgyrPEXZ9QrYBGB6OwKitfCTdQPaF8J_VmzRIYHcI/edit.

During that meeting, the African Major Groups and Stakeholders agreed, inter alia, to:

1/ Prepare a draft statement to express the position of the African Major Groups and Stakeholders 

2/ Call for volunteers to join a drafting committee to prepare said statement. During the meeting, 7 African experts expressed their interest to join the drafting group for the statement ( in alphabetical order):

  1. Rozilla Adhiambo
  2. Catherine Chumo
  3. Fazal Issa
  4. Richard Kimbowa
  5. Omoyemen Lucia
  6. Musasa Monipher 
  7. Griffins Ochieng

3/ Reconvene the week prior to the Ministerial Segment to finalise draft statement.