• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Contacts

The United Nations Environment Programme is inviting all media to cover a presentation of key findings from the Emissions Gap Report 2018 and a debate on ways forward to enhance mitigation ambition and accelerate action. The annual report from UN Environment serves as the world’s definitive assessment of the so-called 'emissions gap': The gap between anticipated emission levels in 2030, compared to levels consistent with a 2°C / 1.5° target.

Panelists will present the main findings of the ‘Emissions Gap Report 2018’ and unpack the latest developments under the process towards successful implementation of the Paris Agreement and the importance of keeping temperatures to well below 2°C and to pursue 1.5°C. followed by a panel discussion on its relevance to the negotiation process.

About the Emissions Gap Report:

The Emissions Gap Report is UN Environment’s flagship report, presenting an annual assessment of current national mitigation efforts and the ambitions countries have presented in their Nationally Determined Contributions, which form the foundation of the Paris Agreement. The report describes the gap between the countries’ promises on how much they will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and the actual reduction required if we are to keep global warming to a global mean temperature increase well below 2°C by the end of this century.     

11 Dec 2018

Time & Place
Event Details
Opening remarks and key findings ◦ Satya Tripathi – UN Assistant Secretary-General , Head of the UN Environment in New York |
◦ Patricia Espinosa – Executive Secretary UNFCCC
◦ John Christensen – Director UNEP DTU Partnership
Panel Discussion ◦ Michał Kurtyka (TBC)
State Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Poland, and COP 24 President
◦ Lucas Di Pietro
National Direction of Climate Change, Argentina
◦ Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter
Parliamentary State Secretary at Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Interactive dialogue The following lead authors will also be in the room
Michel den Elzen, Kelly Levin, Joeri Rogelj, Jiang Kejun, Niklas Höhne and Brigitte Knopf.

For more information or pre-briefing requests, contact:

Moses Osani, News and Media, UN Environment

David Cole, Head of Social Media, UN Environment