• Overview
  • Documents

Co-organized by the UN Office for Sustainable Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the UN Environment Programme and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Directorate for Public Governance, the meeting brought together some 50 government policymakers and representatives from the civil society and the UN system to identify tools, institutional mechanisms and strategies to effectively analyze and address SDGs interlinkages and trade-offs with a view to developing optimal policy interventions for the SDGs in the framework of integrated approaches and policy coherence.  This year’s meeting built on the outcomes of the expert group meeting on promoting integrated approaches to sustainable development held in July 2018 in New York, which explored the concept of integrated approaches in-depth, uncovering their opportunities and challenges for sustainable development.

More information about the meeting can be found below:

Also see below:

Please contact Ms. Hyun Sung (hyun.sung[at]un.org) for any questions related to the meeting.