• Overview

When: Saturday 12th November, 1:15pm (CET)

Where: Livestream here

What: This event will highlight the diverse values that stem from wetland restoration for adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem services and economic and social co-benefits. These restoration efforts, which include reducing pollutants and restoring ecological connectivity, build climate resilience, improve local wetland-dependent livelihoods and produce savings in terms of water treatments needs. However, despite all these ecosystem services and co-benefits being valued at over US$47 trillion a year, many policymakers and the public lack knowledge of wetlands' values and benefits, which is a major obstacle in galvanising support for scaling up restoration and management.

This event will therefore explore efforts to raise awareness and catalyse efforts for wetland restoration and management through country case studies with:

1) lessons learnt and best practices on the range of climate adaptation, mitigation and co-benefits stemming from wetland restoration,

2) wetland valuation experiences and

3) related innovative finance mechanisms and impact investments for wetland restoration and protection.