• Overview
  • Documents

Outlooks authors and assessment co-chairs met in Den Haag, The Netherlands to advance the drafting of several elements of the Outlooks chapters of the sixth Global Environment Outlook, including:

Move the Outlooks chapters towards third order draft quality by (2.5 days):

  1. Addressing all comments received from the second order draft technical review period and from the scientific editor's team;
  2. Improving coherence of single chapters and within the entire part C;
  3. Improve the quality of the chapters by:
  • completing the scenario/outlook review chapter;
  • advancing the methodology and ‘Way Forward’ chapters;
  • linking the 'seeds' chapter to the top-down scenarios chapters;
  • Ensuring that all components needed for a 3rd Order draft version are included in the chapters (references and citations, graphs and charts and so on);
  • Address any comments on structural, technical or science editing provided by the editing team;
  • Ensuring a full set of conclusions and recommendations related to the Healthy Planet / Healthy People theme of the sixth Global Environment Outlook.