• Overview
  • Meeting Documents
  • Other Documents

The UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen was established to facilitate the implementation of resolutions 4/14 and 5/2 on “Sustainable nitrogen management”.

The fourth meeting of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen is scheduled to take place on 28 September 2023, followed by an informal expert meeting on 29 September in Nairobi, Kenya, and online. The meeting will be conducted in English only.


Where: Nairobi, Kenya (in-person and online) 

Provisional agenda 

Annotated provisional agenda

Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting

Agenda item 2: Update by the Co-Chairs

Agenda item 3: Briefing by the UNEP secretariat

Agenda item 4: National action plans on sustainable nitrogen management

Voluntary National Action Plan

Agenda item 5: Improved coordination of policies across the global nitrogen cycle: Potential options and modalities

Options and Modalities for Improved Coordination of Policies across the Global Nitrogen Cycle

Agenda item 6: Informal expert meeting, 29 September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya and online

Draft agenda for the second informal expert meeting

Agenda item 7: Towards the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)

Guidance to Member States on the submission of draft resolutions and decisions to the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly

Agenda item 8: Other matters

Agenda item 9: Closure of the meeting

Report of the fourth meeting of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen