• Overview
  • Documents
  • Objectives
  • Presentations

The Caribbean Workshop on the Establishment of Legal Limits on Lead in Paint took place on 1 December 2017 in Kingston, Jamaica. The main objectives of the workshop were to raise awareness of the dangers of lead exposure from paint and to facilitate discussions about how to establish legal limits on lead paint and potential next steps in Jamaica and the Caribbean region. In total, 38 people participated in the workshop, representing more than 20 organizations and agencies from the public, private, and civil sectors.

The workshop was cosponsored by the UN Environment Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Office for North America. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the Chair of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (Lead Paint Alliance), and the American Bar Association (ABA) and ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI) assisted with planning and implementation of the workshop.

  • Understanding of the significant economic and health impacts of lead paint, especially for children, and the current status of efforts to reduce such risks.
  • Provide an overview of recommended legal limits on lead in paint.
  • Discuss possible outcomes and next steps for Jamaica and the region in adopting recommended lead paint standards

    Questions for Discussion

    1. COUNTRY INFORMATION ON LEAD PAINT: What is known about lead paint in your country? Is there data on lead content of paints on the market?  Is there information about paint manufacturing?  What is the level of awareness?
    2. HARMONIZED REGIONAL STANDARD: Many countries have recently adopted or are considering adopting lead paint laws that set a 90 ppm total lead limit; one of the benefits is that this facilitates trade, especially for countries that are already trading partners or in the same trade region.  Do you think that this is something that would be beneficial also in your country or region?  
    3. NEXT STEPS: What are the possible next steps that could be taken toward establishing a lead paint law in your country or region?
    4. ROLES: What government agencies should be involved in enacting and implementing laws?  What is the role of stakeholders, such as industry, civil society and law clinics?
    5. LEGAL ADAPTATIONS: What adaptations are needed for the model law to be applicable and effective in Jamaica? In the region?


    Angela Bandemehr, US Environmental Protection Agency

    Dr. Kam Mung, PAHO Jamaica

    Sofia Chavez, IPEN/Mexico


    Jay Monteverde, ABA Rule of Law Initiative

    Patrick Huber, US EPA

    Vasco Duke Hernández