• Overview
  • Documents
  • Presentations

The Chemicals and Health Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) in close collaboration with the National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research and the European Centre for Environment and Health, Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization, implemented a project on mercury monitoring funded by the Global Environment Facility. The project aimed at identifying approaches, existing monitoring networks and worldwide capacities to analyse mercury. It developed, among others, elements to consider when designing monitoring plans, Standards Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the assessment of prenatal exposure to mercury, and Manual Instructions for passive air sampling of mercury in ambient air.  

The main objectives of the meeting are to:

  1. Present the outcomes of the project and lesson learnt;
  2. Increase knowledge on the capacities and networks to undertake monitoring including analytical aspects of mercury.
  3. Discuss the importance of monitoring mercury in air, biota and Human biomonitoring