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The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is promoting the transition to no and low emissions mobility in low- and middle-income countries for improved air quality and climate change mitigation. The implementation of low sulphur fuels and cleaner vehicle standards has been prioritized in Africa to reduce vehicle emissions. Towards achieving this goal, UNEP has over the years collaborated with the SADC Secretariat and SADC member states to support the shift to low sulphur fuels and cleaner vehicle standards in the sub-region.

Building on this work, UNEP, together with the SADC Secretariat and the SADCSTAN organized a Stakeholders’ Meeting to discuss Draft Harmonized Low Sulphur Fuels Standards and initiate discussions on the need to import Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for the sub-region. The workshop took place on 18-19 December 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Regional progress on harmonization of vehicle standards: