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Intervention areas

The Initiative will reach its strategic goals and targets in the following intervention areas:

Graphic showing the areas of intervention of the One Plastic Initiative.

Area 1: INDUSTRY - Inspiring and supporting industry action

Support companies and businesses to develop and upscale effective, innovative, and sustainable new business models and alternative product design towards a circular plastic economy.

Area 2: REGULATION AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT - Enabling national and local regulatory frameworks

Support and engage national and local governments to develop and implement integrated policies and enabling regulations across the plastic life cycle that promote circularity.

Area 3: ENABLING and PLANNING - Enabling coordinated and concerted actions

Support the development and implementation of coordinated and concerted action among all stakeholders, by developing harmonised methodologies and conducting scientific assessments to better understand the plastics issue.

Area 4: FINANCE - Supporting finance action

Support the development and implementation of public and private finance to create an enabling finance environment for the uptake of circular products, policies, innovation, technologies, solutions, and infrastructure.

Area 5: COMMUNICATION AND CAMPAIGNS – Activating behaviour change and social action

Develop and disseminate communication and awareness-raising campaigns, and support capacity development and engagement strategies to shift industry and government practices, change social norms and end-consumer behaviour towards plastics circularity.

Area 6: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT – Supporting capacity development and informed decisions

Support capacities of governments and businesses, as well as UN Country Teams, and increase their capacity to apply relevant knowledge products and harmonised approaches towards plastics circularity.