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Considerations on project monitoring, evaluation and reporting

In Chemicals & pollution action

Special Programme projects are expected to contribute toward achieving the outcome of the Special Programme, that is  ‘Governments of developing countries and countries with economies in transition are taking affirmative action to implement the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention and the Global Framework on Chemicals implementation plans’.

Therefore, designing and planning a project with the principles of monitoring and reporting in mind contributes to ensuring that the project objectives, proposed measures, and indicators speak to the overarching outcome of the Special Programme

MELTo facilitate project monitoring, evaluation and reporting, the Special Programme Secretariat has developed a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy as guidance to the Special Programme and its country project recipients for monitoring, evaluation and learning at the Programme and country levels.

The Strategy outlines two core indicators that will be incorporated in all country level projects, to allow for key aspects of the projects to be highlighted and showcased in a measurable and consistent manner. These indicators should be included in each project logframe at the outcome level.

Core Indicator 1: Extent of strengthened government capacity and coordination mechanism to support development and implementation of National Strategies for Chemicals and Waste Management as a result of funding from the Special Programme (Outcome indicator, Qualitative).

Core Indicator 2: Degree of integration of chemicals and waste management into national and sector planning - formally proposed, adopted, or being implemented including required reporting to the relevant Conventions and voluntary reporting to the Global Framework on Chemicals (Outcome Indicator, Qualitative).

Furthermore, similar considerations connecting the objective of each individual project with the proposed measures and indicators will facilitate the drafting of annual project reports. Developing a monitoring and evaluation mechanism at the project design phase will lead to ensure its effective implementation.

MELThe accompanying Special Programme Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning Toolkit is designed to guide recipient countries through the project monitoring and reporting processes indicated in the Strategy.

The toolkit includes scoring sheets to help countries measure progress against the core indicators for the purpose of reporting on implementation progress. The scoring sheets are designed to be flexible, so that individual countries can adapt the tools to their needs.

In Chemicals & pollution action