Environmental governance

In Disasters & conflicts

UNEP is continuing to provide critical policy guidance to the Government of South Sudan on new environmental policies and legislation. This includes the draft Environmental Bill, which set the basis for sustainable development in South Sudan, and on compliance with multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

One example of this is the technical support UNEP has provided to the Government of South Sudan for preparation of the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). On 18 March 2016 these were endorsed by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of South Sudan in its sitting chaired by the President of the Republic of South Sudan. South Sudan’s INDC document highlights the benefits of adaptation and mitigation related actions, as well as other co-benefits including poverty alleviation, health, energy access and security. South Sudan’s INDCs also place emphasis on attracting financial, capacity-building, technology transfer and other types of international support to the republic of South Sudan.

UNEP is also supporting South Sudan through the implementation of key GEF Enabling Activities. GEF Enabling Activities (EAs) are a means of fulfilling essential requirements for MEAs and enabling policy and strategic decisions to be made, assisting planning that identifies priority activities within a country. In South Sudan, the EAs are highly strategic and will support the development of policy and action plans, as well as providing the foundation for more comprehensive projects. Furthermore, they will allow the mobilization of stakeholders and donors, and the development of national capacity, understanding and commitments.

In detail: GEF Enabling Activities

Enabling Activities in South Sudan:

  • National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) of action on Climate Change to help South Sudan address its current and urgent adaptation needs, as required under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for the integration of Convention on Biological Diversity obligations into national planning processes;
  • National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for environmental management in South Sudan;
  • Initial National Communication (INC) to enable South Sudan to fulfil its commitments and obligations under the UNFCCC.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, UNEP’s South Sudan office has already launched three of the EAs including NAPA, NBSAP and NCSA. With technical support from UNEP South Sudan office, the Government of South Sudan has prepared a draft NAPA document, which is now awaiting final review and submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat. In March 2016, UNEP and South Sudan’s Ministry of Environment inaugurated a two-day workshop for the preparation of South Sudan’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). Work is in progress to launch the INC, and work on preparation of the National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) document was launched in late 2015 and it is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2016.

In Disasters & conflicts