Waste management

In Disasters & conflicts

Supporting improved waste management to help contain the environmental impacts of development is one of UNEP’s main focus areas in South Sudan.

The concentration of populations in cities, towns and camps requires appropriate resources, infrastructure and services to treat solid and liquid waste. In fast growing urban areas, waste management has become increasingly important as the strain on infrastructure and treatment facilities can directly impact the environment and subsequently human health.

In South Sudan, UNEP is working to support Juba City Council and other municipal entities in improving their waste management systems.

In collaboration with Juba City Council, Juba County Council, Payams (administrative areas), the Ministry of Environment, development partners and NGOs, a number of activities have been initiated to improve waste management in Juba including:

  • A preliminary environmental assessment of the existing dump site in Juba to assess the environmental consequences of the current open dumping of municipal solid waste;
  • An initiative to improve the health and safety of waste pickers at the waste dump site by providing them with protective gear and developing health and safety guidelines;
  • A review of the existing organisational structure, legislation, procedures and available resources related to the delivery of solid waste management services;
  • Awareness-raising on waste and recycling by setting up environmental clubs, organising workshops on recycling, and training journalists in waste management issues;
  • An analysis of waste composition to obtain reliable data which can be used as the basis of designing and developing waste and recycling systems in Juba.
In Disasters & conflicts