10 - 12 April 2018

Geneva and Milan: Environmental security and green finance

The primary purpose of my mission to Geneva was to brief Nordic countries on our ongoing work and future priorities.

The primary purpose of my mission to Geneva was to brief Nordic countries on our ongoing work and future priorities. I also provided a briefing to representatives from 63 countries of the permanent missions in Geneva on the outcomes of the Environment Assembly and the environmental dimensions of security. I signed a memorandum of understanding with the Inter Parliamentary Union focusing on the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and associated climate treaties.

I also participated in the inaugural meeting of the Financial Centres for Sustainability network, which brought together nearly 20 of the world's top financial centres to cooperate on accelerating green and sustainable finance and it was good see participants agreeing on a shared action plan for the future. The network flows from the work undertaken by Italy’s Ministry of Environment during country’s presidency of the G7 in 2017, which endorsed and encouraged cooperation among financial centres.

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