
Type: UN Environment Event

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The UNEA 5.2 theme calls for strengthened action to protect and restore nature and the nature-based solutions to achieve Agenda 2030. The circular economy approach provides an opportunity to promote nature-based solutions, stimulate a sustainable consumption and production economy, create employment, address resource efficiencies, promote SCP practices and protect the environment. This event provides a platform for Member States and stakeholders to share and discuss how to implement Circular Economy policies, principles, practices and action plans in Africa.

Categorized Under: Kenya


Over the last two decades, Africa experienced an average annual GDP growth of 4.6% and, this growth rate is expected to be sustained until 2022. However, the COVID -19 pandemic has greatly eroded these gains resulting in livelihoods disruption because of food insecurity, lack of medical supplies, loss of income and a looming debt crisis. The unprecedented impacts of the pandemic have inevitably slowed progress towards achieving SDGs in the continent.

Categorized Under: Ethiopia

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