30 Oct 2016 Beneficiaries Story Integrated Waste Management

Business creates new revenue stream from waste

East Africa Packaging Solutions produces customized corrugated box packaging meant for local distribution and exports. This company has benefited from 2 years of improvement on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) with Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC) which formed the basis of being incorporated in the Industrial Symbiosis (IS) project.

The company invested in a section for producing paper egg trays processing to tackle the waste paper menace achieving a production capacity of 1,000 tons per month. To minimise the paper waste, the employees were trained on resource efficiency measures resulting in waste reduction from 7% to 2%. The company now has records of waste allowing accountability on waste generation.

Before SAG intervention, the loading section was not conducive as it was always flooded. They have consequently corrugated the area and the image of the company has changed since then. Some of the company’s customers require calculation of carbon footprint which they now have as records are being authoritatively kept. They have also changed their primary energy source from furnace oil to biomass, having installed a biomass boiler, which uses coffee husks, rice husks, etc.