Burkina Faso Completed Integrated Waste Management

Transformation des déchets ménagers en engrais agricole (Transformation of household wastes into fertilizer)

In urban areas, hygiene and sanitation are an ongoing struggle because of increasing urbanization and the resulting growth in household waste. Aside from the unbearable odour of rotting garbage that affects the daily life of residents, such waste attracts insects, rodents and reptiles capable of transmitting disease.
Proper waste management is an effective way of reducing the incidence of diseases related to poor sanitation, like malaria and diarrhoea. A reduced need for health care also improves the lives of households by freeing up money for education and food, as well as improving the doctor-population ratio, one of the indicators of sustainable human development. Removing large volumes of household waste not only creates a more pleasant city environment, it also reduces the risk of flooding caused by the blockage of rainwater drainage channels by garbage. The project aims to create a viable solid waste management program for the three urban municipalities of Ouahigouya, Gourcy and Titao and for rural communities in the northern regions of Burkina Faso.

Additional Project Information
  • MSME Location Ouahigouya, Gourcy and Titao