A person holding a thermos bottle and a box filled with plastic bottles.

UNEP Plastics Initiative

UNEP supports governments, businesses and other stakeholders in their just transition to a circular economy of plastics.

Lightweight, durable and inexpensive, plastic has many valuable uses in our daily life. However, our current levels of plastic production, usage and disposal pose serious threats.

These are threats to our health, the environment and global economy.

Due to our resource-inefficient, linear economy of plastic, characterized by a take-make-waste approach, plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues we face today. 

To turn the tide on plastic pollution, UNEP Plastics Initiative consolidates all UNEP's plastic-related projects, activities, actions, and results into a unified program, aiming to lead and implement a system-wide transformation towards a circular economy of plastics

Contact info

If you have any questions or willingness to collaborate with the UNEP Plastics Initiative, please reach out to us at