Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Sudan

Project Title 

Enhancing the resilience of communities living in climate change vulnerable areas of Sudan using EbA approaches

Project factsheet

Key Figures

  • Budget: USD 4.3 million (Co-finance USD 7.9 million)
  • Executing Agency: Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Sudan
  • Area rehabilitated: 8,100 hectares of forests, rangelands, and shelterbelts
  • Beneficiaries: 6,800 households will have access to climate change-resilient food and water sources. 5,760 people will be benefitting from resilient agriculture, improved cook stoves, solar-powered water pumps, and revolving funds.
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Timeframe: 2017–2023


In Sudan, UNEP is supporting the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources and its partners to build climate change resilience. As climate change evolves with increasing temperatures and more erratic rainfall in Sudan, there is a need to find approaches that can reduce the vulnerability of small-holder rain-fed farmers and pastoralists. Exemplifying the looming threat, the Sahara Desert is advancing from North to South at a rate of about one mile per year, eliminating grazing land and water holes.

To combat these challenges, the Sudan EbA project is being implemented with the overall aim of increasing the resilience of livelihoods and agricultural systems in the White Nile State through EbA approaches. The project is carrying out rangeland regeneration, afforestation, rainwater harvesting and drought-tolerant agriculture. At least 6,800 households will be provided with access to climate change-resilient food and water sources. The project is building 10 water reservoirs and wells, and at least 3,200 men and women will be given access to solar-powered hand pumps for these wells. Around 200 rainwater harvesting pits will be installed across 2,000 community farms. Communities are also being trained in climate-proof livelihood practices, such as poultry breeding and home-garden farming.

Drawing on an analysis of the economic and social benefits from ecosystem-based adaptation approaches, the project will support the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources to advocate for the integration of EbA approaches into key sector policies (e.g. agriculture, land and water) and national development plans to enable wider replication of such activities in other regions.

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