Climate change in the Mediterranean

  • The Mediterranean region is warming 20% faster than the global average.
  • Impacts will exert additional pressure on already strained ecosystems and on vulnerable economies and societies.
  • Coastal zones face heightened disaster risks, including flooding and erosion, and the salinization of river deltas and aquifers that sustain food security and livelihoods.
  • The Mediterranean is home to more than 510 million people.
  • By 2050, water demand is projected to double or even triple.
  • 2°C global warming will reduce precipitation by ~10 to 15%.
  • An increase of 2°C to 4°C would reduce precipitation by up to 30% in Southern Europe.
  • Water temperature is expected to rise by between 1.8°C and 3.5°C by 2100 with hotspots in Spain and in in the Eastern Mediterranean.

For the latest on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean:

The UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention system provides a framework for region-specific climate action

  • Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD 2016-2025)
    MSSD provides a strategic framework for all stakeholders and partners to translate the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs into progress towards a low-carbon and resilient Mediterranean region. The fourth objective of MSSD is "Climate Change as a priority issue for the Mediterranean".
  • Regional Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Marine and Coastal Areas (RCCAF)
    Adopted in 2016, this instrument developed by UNEP/MAP charts a regional approach to bolstering the resilience of the natural and socio-economic systems in the Mediterranean region.
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management
    Adopted in 2008, the ICZM Protocol provides a legally binding instrument for coastal zone protection, including through the prevention and reduction of the effects of climate change.
  • Projects implemented by UNEP/MAP
    UNEP/MAP Projects, which drive the implementation of the Convention and its Protocols forward, include the GEF-funded MedProgramme and several adaptation activities implemented by the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centres.