برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة

Environment Assembly resolutions and decisions

Central to the UN Environment Assembly are draft resolutions or decisions submitted by Member States for adoption by UNEA. These represent current collective thinking on pressing environmental issues, build consensus and are a vital first step in spurring action. They also define priority areas of work for UNEP.

UNEA Monitoring and Reporting portal

Resolutions portalThis is the primary portal for member states, other parties and UNEP subprogrammes to report progress on agreed UNEA outcomes and resolutions.

As per Resolution 4/22 adopted by the UN Environment Assembly at UNEA-4, member states requested UNEP to develop a monitoring mechanism, in consultation with the Committee of Permanent Representatives, to track and assess the implementation of Environment Assembly resolutions by the Programme in the framework of the UNEP programme of work and budget.

The platform provides an inventory and a brief summary of the implementation of Environment Assembly resolutions, links to existing reports on related to Environment Assembly resolutions and provides opportunity for Member States to report voluntarily on national implementation efforts.


UNEP Resolutions portal 

Resolutions portalFormally known as the Papersmart Portal, it is the depository of draft resolutions and decisions submitted to the United Nations Environment Assembly since the third session. 

It is a password protected platform accessible to Member States and other accredited organizations containing all relevant information relating to the drafts including co-sponsorships, background documentation, secretariat technical notes, and different versions of the draft following negotiations. 

Resolutions are published in all official UN languages as post-session documents under the “A/RES” series (e.g. UNEP/EA.5/Res.1). Until then, the text remains an “L” document.

Decisions of the Environment Assembly are annexed to the meeting proceedings report and made available on the portal.

The ministerial declaration adopted by the Environment Assembly at each session on the theme of the session is issued as document UNEP/EA.X/HLS.1.

Users of this online resolution portal should not disseminate, publicize, link to external sites, or circulate in any form the contents in this portal, including the draft resolutions and decisions, as well as textual proposals or position papers relating to those drafts.