
The expected results of the programme are:

  1. Policy support: Policy actors in the pilot countries will be better informed and equipped with strengthened institutions and appropriated tools and instruments such as policies, regulatory frameworks, incentives structures, tax and market- based instruments allowing private sector led inclusive green growth through green business entrepreneurship, eco-innovation and sustainable production and consumption actions in targeted sector(s). Read more
  2. Green business development: Economic actors in pilot countries mainly the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will understand the “green business” concept better and will identify opportunities to further develop green businesses. They will also be better equipped, and/or have applied in practice the SCP practices in the selected sector(s). Read more
  3. Networking facility: Knowledge, lessons learned and good practices from the various country projects will be distilled and disseminated nationally and through regional and Africa-wide networks and programmes creating broader awareness, and increased understanding, buy-in and uptake of GE and SCP ideas among key stakeholders in private sector, governments and consumers of pilot countries and other countries in Africa. Read more