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Anne Poggenpohl - German, Europe

2018 获奖人 | | German

In Indonesia, most detergent is sold in small-size individual packaging, known as 'sachets'. Sachets cannot be recycled and are thus bound to leak into the environment. An estimated 5.5 million sachets of detergent are wasted daily. Hepi Circle is Indonesia’s first refill delivery network that offers detergent in reusable bottles. Customers buy a bottle of detergent at their local store, pay a deposit and with their next purchase, customers return their clean and empty bottles. The reuse habit is rewarded with a ‘hepi point’, that can go towards food or reusable products. The refill and distribution to local stores is powered by women on bikes. I co-developed the Hepi Circle with Kumala, a social entrepreneur in Surabaya. The pilot project has demonstrated financial feasibility and long-term potential impact. My vision is to reduce single-use sachets and enable to make reuse a habit again.

I am Anne, a designer, environmental sciences student and part-time outdoor explorer fueled by curiosity and optimism. I consider design as a tool to understand current socio-ecological challenges and to effect change by envisioning alternatives. My co-development of the Hepi Circle grew out of my current master thesis research which investigates opportunities to reduce plastic packaging in Indonesia. I have also been a dedicated co-founder of the Young Explorers Camp in Germany’s Black Forest National Park since 2014. The camp encourages young adults to explore the beauty and fragility of nature and equips them to become ambassadors for our environment.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.

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