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Kaya Dorey - Canadian, North America

2017 获奖人 | | Canadian

Novel Supply Co. is a conscious local apparel company. Kaya created a fully closed-loop clothing line with no waste and automated manufacturing. She integrated a research and development hub to test leading-edge technology that decomposes fabrics and tests natural dyes. She also implemented an Extended Producer Responsibility policy by having a Take Back Program for the clothing she produces. Kaya works in partnership with local universities.

Kaya’s passion for sustainability started when she took several environmental classes during her Tourism Degree at Capilano University. She researched textiles waste, and was motivated to make a difference in the fashion industry. With no prior fashion production knowledge, she completed Factory45, an online accelerator program that takes sustainable apparel companies from idea to launch.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.
