برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة

Authors meetings

Inception meeting of the GEO-6 for Business Advisory Committee

The Inception meeting of the Advisory Committee for GEO for Business was held on 24 September at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Headquarters in Paris, France. The objective of the meeting was to review the draft work plan and timeline for delivering the publication, its annotated outline and develop a potential list of authors that would write the publication. The meeting approved the production of 6 issue briefs that would be produced through to 2021 on environmental matters that will impact business. The topics of the six issue briefs will be developed following approval of the Advisory Committee with the first one out by first quarter of 2021.  The themes of the issue briefs will consider the key big systems discussed in the GEO-6 as in need of urgent transformation – energy, food and waste – and their contribution to economics, business opportunities, trade and finance. 

The Advisory Committee is Co-Chaired by Prof Paul Elkins (also GEO-6 Co-Chair) from University College London and Dr. Maria Mendiluce from We Mean Business Coalition.