
Mercury Emissions Capture Efficiency with Activated Carbon Injection at a Russian Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant

Mercury Emissions Capture Efficiency with Activated Carbon Injection at a Russian Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant

The report presents results of a collaborative demonstration of mercury air emission reduction at the 8 MW pilot plant located at coal-fired Cherepetskaya Thermal Power Plant in Russia. The pilot plant was equipped with an activated carbon (AC) injection system and an electrostatic precipitator (ESP). The use of standard AC with an injection rate of 160 mg/m3 resulted in total Hg removal in the ESP ranging from 67 to about 80%. An injection of only about 30 mg/m3 of brominated AC was needed to achieve a comparable level of Hg removal. The use of brominated AC with an injection rate of up to 110 mg/m3 resulted in total Hg removal of up to 90%. Leaching tests indicated that Hg is strongly bound to the surface of the particles (either fly ash particles or sorbent particles). For all types of fly ash residuals tested, none were found to exceed USEPA’s Hg standard for drinking water quality.