GEO-6 Partnerships 

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Partnerships are the cornerstone of the United Nations Environment Programme’s activities. A systematic process is underway to strengthen the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) assessment by expanding UNEP’s expert networks and strategic partnerships with leading research academies, international research programmes, collaborating centres, and centres of excellence. 

The partnerships will be based on building strategic linkages with data providers in key government agencies, scientific institutions, and Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs) based in the region; assisting with the collection and dissemination of relevant environmental assessment data; facilitating the flow of national environmental data into UNEP Live; assisting with the dissemination of State of the Environment findings and reports to targeted audiences; and organising major regional environmental information networking meetings. 

GEO-6 Partners 

  • Collaborating Centres 
  • Centres of Excellence and International Research Programmes 
  • Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) 
  • UN Agencies 
  • IGO's/ NGO's 
  • Governments 
  • Major Groups and Stakeholders 
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