Actions for Governments, Industry, and Civil Society Organizations

In Chemicals & pollution action


  • Establish and implement protective legal limits on lead in paint, building on the Model Law and Guidance for Regulating Lead Paint.
  • Strengthen existing regulations or legal limits on lead in paint where they exist but are not protective of public health.
  • Serve as government “champions” to encourage other governments to take action, especially through regional efforts and activities.
  • Take all necessary measures to ensure full compliance with legal limits.


  • Engage with governments to support the development and implementation of protective legal limits on lead in paint.
  • Continue to spread awareness, including on-line and in social media, of the risks of lead paint during national, regional and global industry events and through the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW).
  • Advocate for the reformulation of paints containing lead compounds in countries where legal limits are not yet in place and compliance in countries where such limits exist or are being established.
  • Work with qualified organizations to establish feasible certification programs to help consumers recognize lead-safe paints. 
  • Support implementation of national lead paint restrictions by sharing knowledge of how small-, medium-, and large-sized enterprises can reformulate lead paint.

Civil Society Organizations

  • Engage with governments to support the development and implementation of legal limits on lead in paint.
  • Encourage industry to phase out the manufacture and sale of lead paint and to support the development and implementation of protective legal limits on lead in paint.
  • Conduct awareness raising and consumer education about the hazards of lead paint. 
  • Provide information to policy makers, schools, communities and the media on the dangers of lead paint and how to prevent lead poisoning.
In Chemicals & pollution action