Consumer Information seeks to enable easy, practical and sustainable choices by consumers. This requires the provision of accessible, reliable and verifiable sustainability information by market suppliers. The latter will aim to ensure that information about product sustainability is backed by credible science, and communicated so that it can be easily understood by all users.

Consumer information tools encompass ecolabels, voluntary standards, product declarations, marketing claims and life cycle approaches which provide information on the impacts of goods and services over their lifetime, including the end-of-life. These tools are also known as “sustainability information tools.”

UN Environment is active in this area through the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), and specifically one of the six 10YFP programmes: the Consumer Information Programme. This programme supports the provision of quality information on goods and services, and the identification and implementation of effective strategies to engage consumers in sustainable consumption. It empowers and raises the profile of relevant policies, projects and partnerships, and provides opportunities for collaboration between all sectors and stakeholders.

For more information on the Programme and how to get involved, refer to the SCP Clearinghouse.