Current Projects

Country: Malaysia

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Enter number only i.e. 9815

7 results found

To support Malaysia to prepare and submit its First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) that complies with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement (PA) reporting requirements while responding to its national development goals.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific Malaysia

To strengthen Malaysia’s ability to identify, implement and track ambitious mitigation and adaptation action, its costs, benefits, support and impacts on sustainable development.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific Malaysia

To strengthen the biosafety Management System in Malaysia with Special Emphasis on Thematic Interventions to Facilitate Handling and Decision Making on LMOs.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific Malaysia

To operate and expand the network of fisheries refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand for the improved management of fisheries and critical marine habitats linkages in order to achieve the medium and longer-term goals of the fisheries component of the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea

The overall development goal of the project is to strengthen sustainable livelihoods through improved management and utilization of tropical fruit genetic diversity. The project objective is to improve the conservation and use of tropical fruit genetic diversity in Asia by strengthening the capacity of farmers, local communities and institutions.

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Enter number only i.e. 9815