GEO-7 Timeline


The GEO process includes several preparatory elements, a production phase which includes several author writer’s sprints and a final review and approval phase. 

  • Firstly the process must establish it’s advisory bodies, in this case the IMAG and MESAG. 
  • For this GEO, significant preparatory work will go into the digital transformation 
  • There will also be an author and fellows nomination and selection phase as well as a call for collaborating centres; 
  • During the production phase authors will work in steps to produce the first and second order drafts as well as address the review comments from experts and governments. 
  • A progress report will likely be produced at UNEA-6 to keep Member States informed of important developments; 
  • Finally, the Summary for Policymakers of the GEO will need to be drafted and negotiated. 
  • Both the main report and SPM will be launched and endorsed at a future UNEA, likely UNEA-7 in 2026. 

The GEO-7 timeline is available here

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