Mercury from oil and gas


The Partnership Advisory Group decided at its tenth meeting (Geneva, November 2019) to initiate work on mercury from oil and gas, which it had identified as a cross-cutting topic amongst several Partnership areas.

In follow up to expert consultations launched in April 2020, the development of a study report was initiated, with the aim to, amongst others, better understand potential releases of mercury from the oil and gas sector, as well as possibly how wastes are treated and accounted for and may be entering the market for other uses.

The development of the study report benefitted from a consultative process, involving experts from governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, academia and the private sector, members of the Partnership as well as from other relevant organizations, including through calls for comments and further expert consultations in May 2021.

The final version of the report Mercury from Oil and Gas was presented to the thirteenth meeting of the Partnership Advisory Group (Paris, November 2022) for consideration and discussion on possible next steps.

Mercury from Oil and Gas