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Story Climate change

Amman, January 29, 2023 - The Ministry of Environment, the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), with the support of the UN Environment programme and the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Center under the NDC-Action Project organized the first technical training entitled” obligations under UNFCCC and Paris agreement” in Amman from 29-31 January.


At the Ghana Pavilion of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, the NDC Action Project, in cooperation of the Ghanian government, organised a panel titled Partnerships and Strategies for Investing in Innovation Low-carbon Technologies: A Focus on Ghana’s Plans for Urban Electric Buses.

The event, attended by government entities, financial institutions, civil society and other actors, provided an insight into Ghana’s plans on e-mobility, fleet renewal, and public transport reforms.

Categorized Under: Resource efficiency Ghana Africa

Story Green economy

According to the United Nations Environment Programme’s Adaptation Gap Report, the estimated costs to adapt in developing countries are five to ten times greater than current public adaptation finance flows.

In other words, there is an urgent need to boost climate adaptation finance and integrate climate change impacts across business models. This requires consistent awareness across sectors and a willingness to address the issue.

Categorized Under: Green economy Africa

Story Climate change

A new roadmap on how to finance Colombia’s contributions to the Paris Agreement has been developed with support from the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

The Government and private sector in Colombia now have a better idea of how the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement can be financed.

A new roadmap, outlining ways to finance the urgently needed climate action was presented this month. It was developed with direct support from the NDC Action project, managed by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre.

Story Climate change

Capacitaciones del Programa País de Carbono Neutralidad

Cerca de 1000 personas se han capacitado para apoyar la descabonización del país

Cerca de 1000 personas se han capacitado para apoyar la descarbonización del país gracias a capacitaciones gratuitas desarrolladas por la Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climático (DCC) del del Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) con el apoyo del Proyecto NDC Action y la Alianza Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED), en el marco del Programa País de Carbono Neutralidad (PPCN).

Story Climate change

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – the atmospheric gases responsible for causing global warming and climatic change – are critical to understanding and addressing the climate crisis.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Story Climate change

The evidence is irrefutable: unless we act immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will not be able to stave off the worst consequences of climate change.

The world is already 1.2°C warmer than pre-industrial times and every fraction of a degree counts. Research shows that with 2°C of global warming we will have more intense droughts and more devastating floods, more wildfires and more storms.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Nairobi, 18 November 2021 – Global cities are key to overcoming the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and pollution. A new vision of future cities is detailed in a report released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Categorized Under: Cities and lifestyles

Story Climate change

As the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) came to a close, news agencies and bloggers ploughed through the Glasgow Climate Pact to make sense of the commitments made to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Story Climate change

It was, in the end, an agreement of compromise.

Whilst the Glasgow Climate Pact agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) on Saturday firms up the global commitment to accelerate action on climate this decade, it left many wondering if this deal is enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Video Climate change

To ensure a stable climate and make real on the commitment of the Paris Agreement UNEP has identified six sectors with the potential to reduce emissions enough to keep the world below the 1.5°C mark.

It is possible to cut 30 gigatonnes greenhouse gas emissions annually by 2030. There is a lot that can be done. Solutions exist as highlighted below.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Story Climate change

Carbon is found in all of Earth’s ecosystems. It is packed into the trees and soils of forests, lies dense and deep in tropical peatlands and frozen tundra, maintains the fertility and resilience of farms, rangelands, and fisheries around the globe.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Story Climate change

In 2020, the UN system generated about 1.5 million tonnes CO2eq greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with per capita emissions of 5 tonnes CO2eq. The sources of the emissions were 32 per cent air travel, 12 per cent other travel (rail, road, sea, etc.) and 55 per cent facilities. Ninety-nine per cent of these emissions were offset. These figures are a 25 per cent reduction from 2019 – reflecting the sudden and dramatic adaptations in operations that the UN made in 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Glasgow, 4 November 2021 – Protecting and restoring peatlands can reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 800 million metric tonnes per year – equivalent to Germany’s annual emissions – according to a new report released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI). The report calls for investments of up to USD 46 billion annually by 2050 to slash almost half the emissions caused by draining and burning peatlands.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems and Biodiversity

  • Estimated adaptation costs in developing countries are five to ten times greater than current public adaptation finance flows
  • Fewer than one third of 66 countries funded COVID-19 recovery measures to address climate risks
  • Over 2,600 projects focus on adaptation

Categorized Under: Climate change

  • Prepared with RMI, the comprehensive guide prescribes proven strategies to achieve sustainable urban cooling, with scores of case studies
  • Overheated cities face disproportionate climate costs due to ‘heat island effect’; average city could warm as much as 4°C by 2100

Glasgow, 3 November 2021 – The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today published detailed guidance to help the world’s cities address warming, which is occurring at twice the global average rate in urban areas.

Categorized Under: Climate change

The impact of climate change on global peace and security is high on the agenda as world leaders gather at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow this week.

Categorized Under: Disasters & conflicts

Story Green economy

UNEP DTU Partnership built capacity for climate action finance, introducing tools for NDC implementation.

This month, UNEP DTU Partnership invited Moroccan practitioners from the government, service provider and NGOs to a two-day workshop building capacity for climate action.

Categorized Under: Green economy Africa

Story Water

Last week’s flash floods in India, Nepal and Spain triggered by heavy rainfall are the latest in a string of water-related disasters from Germany to South Sudan to the United States.

Categorized Under: Water

Viet Nam’s rapid urbanization and accompanying fast-paced real estate sector are driving emissions from cooling, which are expected to increase under BAU scenario from 34MTCO2eq in 2017 to 80.7MTCO2eq by 2030. This growth is being driven largely by lack of comprehensive urban planning and municipal enforcement of building standards, awareness/capacity to develop urban cooling projects by governments and financiers, lack of finance for passive cooling interventions, low-level building efficiency codes,  inexpensive electricity, low MEPS for ACs, and low industrial efficiency.

Story Climate change

On Tuesday 12th October the High Level Event of the NDC Action Project in Mongolia was held virtually.

The event was opened by Mr. Batbayar Tserendorj, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MoET), Government of Mongolia, H.E. Mr. Jörn Rosenberg, Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia, and Ms. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Regional Director, UNEP Asia and the Pacific Office. 

Mrs. Narangaravuu Altangerel, Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MoET) set the theme for the event. 

Story Climate change

UNFCCC released the updated NDC Synthesis Report on 17th September 2021 ahead of COP26 in November. The report includes an update on all 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement from the previous report back in February 2021. 

Categorized Under: Climate change Global

Story Climate change

For generations, people have combed the sponge-like cloud forests around the city of Xalapa, Mexico for edible mushrooms. But a combination of deforestation and climate-change-related drought have devastated mushroom crops, an important source of income in a region beset by poverty.

Categorized Under: Climate change

Story Climate change

This week, scientists and representatives from 195 countries are gathered at the 54th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to review the world’s most comprehensive assessment of our climate - the Sixth Assessment Report.

Categorized Under: Climate change

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