UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen

In March 2022, the resumed fifth session of UNEA (UNEA-5.2) adopted a second resolution on “Sustainable nitrogen management” (resolution 5/2), encouraging Member States to accelerate actions to significantly reduce nitrogen waste globally by 2030 through the improvement of sustainable nitrogen management and to share information on national action plans, as available, according to national circumstances.

In March 2019, the first resolution on “Sustainable nitrogen management” (resolution 4/14) was adopted and a UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen was convened by the Executive Director to facilitate its implementation. Following UNEA 5.2, the mandate of the Working Group on Nitrogen was expanded to respond to resolution 5/2 and strengthen the engagement and ownership of its implementation by Member States and stakeholders.

Resolution 5/2 operative paragraph 3(d) also requested the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to invite Member States to nominate focal points to join the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen. Focal points will participate in the meetings of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen and serve as contact point between UNEP and their country.

Summary of the work of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen

Letter from the President of United Nations Environment Assembly on UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen (31 October 2022)

The Terms of Reference of the Nitrogen Working Group can be found here.

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