Annual report

Law Division 2020 Annual Report

01 January 2021
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We are very pleased to share with you the Law Division’s Annual Report for 2020. The report details the wide range of accomplishments that we were able to achieve despite the difficult circumstances brought about by COVID-19.

Please find below a table of contents for your easy perusal:

Law Division Covid-19 interventions

Advancing Environmental Rights

  1. Learn about environmental rights
  2. Enhancing protection of environmental human rights defenders and expanding civic space
  3. Enhancing States’ abilities to promote and protect the human right to a healthy environment
  4. Guidance created on environmental rights
  5. Integrating environmental rights into UN processes

Climate Action with OzonAction

  1. OzonAction services
  2. Gender in the Montreal Protocol
  3. The Kigali Amendment
  4. World Ozone Day
  5. Cold Chain
  6. Tools
  7. News and Resources

Promoting Environmental Rule of Law

  1. Providing legal advice to countries and the UN system
  2. Global Climate Litigation Report: 2020 Status Review
  3. Montevideo Environmental Law Programme
  4. Enhancing education and awareness of the rule of law
  5. InforMEA

Strengthening Institutions

  1. Strengthening international environmental governance
  2. Towards coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of the SDGs
  3. Contributing to Policy Coherence in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development  
  4. WasteForce
  5. Green Customs Initiative

Supporting Environmental Treaties

  1. Support to the Governing Bodies and the Secretariats of MEAs
  2. Promoting synergies across Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
  3. Providing capacity building to countries in implementation of MEAs