Emerging Issues

Marine Plastics Litter and Microplastic

16 April 2017
Foresight Brief 002
  • The global production of plastics has increased from 1.5 million tons in 1950s to about 300 million tons currently, at an average rate of 4 per cent per annum and is expected to continue growing (Boucher and Friot 2017). About 50 per cent of the plastics produced is for single use, and the literature estimates that 8 million tons (2.5 per cent) of the plastic produced are leaked into the oceans annually (PlasticsEurope 2016).
  • The issue of marine plastic litter is important because unfortunately a fraction of all the plastics produced and used are leaked into the world’s oceans as large plastic objects or microplastics. They are found in all oceans of the world and have serious environmental, social and economic impacts.