Policy and strategy

Green Economy and Trade (Environment & Trade Hub)

28 January 2022
South-South Trade in Renewable Energy

The UNEP Environment & Trade Hub inspires and enables countries in developing and implementing sustainable trade policies and trade agreements that foster environmental sustainability and human well-being. The Hub works with public and private partners to offer analyses, research, tools, methodologies, and advisory services. The Hub also promotes national, regional, and international cooperation between environment and trade communities. This page captures the relevant resources and toolkits for Green Economy and Trade. 

COVID-19: Implications for Trade and Environment, Policy Brief, 2020

Aid for Trade: A Vehicle to Green Trade and Build Climate Resilience, 2020

Small Island Developing States: Building resilience for sustainable trade, tourism and development, 2019

South-South trade in renewable energy: a trade flow analysis of selected environmental goods, 2014


Handbooks & Toolkits 
To build capacity for countries to pursue environmental management and sustainable development through trade, and global economic and environmental governance mechanisms:

Sustainability Toolkit for Trade Negotiators: A toolkit, checklist, and best practices for guiding RTIA negotiations to facilitate countries' mutual pursuit of environmental and social priorities.

Green Industrial Policy & Trade: A Toolbox: A guide for policymakers on policy options at the intersection of green industrial policy and trade, consistent with the UNIDO Practitioner's Guide to Strategic Green Industrial Policy.

Trade and Green Economy Handbook: A knowledge source for policymakers, trade practitioners, academics to better understand the intersection of international trade, environment, and the green economy at the governance level.

Trade and the IGEM modelling tool: Trade is integrated into the existing Integrated Green Economic Modelling tool (IGEM), providing practical tools to analyze and promote trade sustainability and assess the implications of trade-related policies.

Online course: Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation.