Policy and strategy

Outputs on Trade in Environmental Sound Technologies (Environment & Trade Hub)

28 January 2022
Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies

The UNEP Environment & Trade Hub inspires and enables countries in developing and implementing sustainable trade policies and trade agreements that foster environmental sustainability and human well-being. The Hub works with public and private partners to offer analyses, research, tools, methodologies, and advisory services. The Hub also promotes national, regional, and international cooperation between environment and trade communities. This page captures the relevant resources for Environmental Sound Technologies. 

Unlocking Trade in ESTs to Tackle Air Pollution, 2019


Global study on Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies, 2018


Global study Policy Brief: Trade in ESTs, 2018


Regional study: Trade in ESTs in the ASEAN region, 2018


Policy Brief: Trade in ESTs in the ASEAN Region, 2018


Regional study: Trade in ESTs in the EAC, 2018


Policy Brief: Trade in ESTs - Opportunities for East African Countries, 2018


Scoping Study on Intra-ASEAN Value Chain Cooperation and Trade in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies, 2016


Trade and Climate Change WTO-UNEP Report, 2009
