
Investment in walking and cycling road infrastructure

09 December 2010

This report outlines the core argument of Share the Road, a campaign that works to help re-balance the current state of road investments across all modes. Share the Road Programme aims to increase investments in walking and cycling infrastructure by working with all stakeholders - governments and donors in particular - to develop and implement strong investment policies specifically for non-motorized transport (NMT). The core impetus is that investments in NMT infrastructure spur a triple win in improved environment, safety and accessibility, which as a whole, contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction. Current road investment trends and institutional/policy developments and options for mobilizing investments are discussed, as well as the costs and benefits of NMT infrastructure. In addition, the importance of NMT infrastructure is well-placed within the wider context of sustainable mobility and the Green Economy Initiative. Preliminary design guidelines and indicators are provided in the annexes.
