
Review of Facts, Experiences, Achievements, and Challenges in Relation to POPs Monitoring

10 January 2024
Review of Facts, Experiences, Achievements, and Challenges in Relation to POPs Monitoring

This review is based on the review of information from the implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan in core media (ambient air, human breast milk/blood, water) by strategic partnerships and by the United Nations Environment Programme and Global Environment Facility (UNEP/GEF) supported projects on strengthening the regional capacities in POPs monitoring carried out as UNEP/GMP1 and UNEP/GMP2 projects between 2010-2012 and 2016-ongoing respectively. This report contains several chapters that cover activities that were undertaken, achievements and lessons learned, and also provides fact-based conclusions and expert recommendations regarding set up of the future of POPs monitoring in regions requiring support in carrying out further activities.