Closing Plenary

Friday, 1st March 2024 at 3:00 pm

Conference Room 2 (overflow room: Conference Room 1)

Agenda item/programme

1. High-level segment (continued)  [item 9]

Presentation of the summaries of the leadership dialogues and the multi-stakeholder dialogue 

2. Adoption of the resolutions, decisions and outcome document of the session [item 12]

Action on the draft ministerial declaration

3. Cooperation with multilateral environmental agreements (resumed) [item 10]

Presentation of the summaries of the high-level dialogues

4. Programme of work and budget and other administrative and budgetary issues [item 5]

No consideration of the item expected

5. International environmental policy and governance issues [item 6]

Presentation of the report of the Committee of the Whole 

Consideration of the report of the Committee of the Whole 

6. Adoption of the resolutions, decisions and outcome document of the session [item 12]

Action on draft resolutions and draft decisions

7. Stakeholder engagement (resumed)  [item 7]

Consolidated statement on behalf of the nine major groups and stakeholders

8. Election of officers  [item 13]

Election of the President, Vice-Presidents and Rapporteur of UNEA-7

Statement by the President-elect

9. Provisional agenda, dates and venue of the seventh session of the Environment Assembly  [item 11]

Adoption of the draft decision

10. Other matters  [item 14]

11. Adoption of the report of the session [item 15]

Presentation of the proceedings of the report

UNEP/EA.6/L.1 - Draft proceedings of the United Nations Environment Assembly at its sixth session

Adoption of the report

12. Closure of the session [item 16]

  • Statements by regional and political groups
  • Statement by the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (video message)
  • Statement by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme
  • Statement by the President of the Environment Assembly

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