At the opening plenary on the 26 February 2024, the Environment Assembly decided to: 

  • establish a committee of the whole (in accordance with rule 63

  • elect the chair and rapporteur of the committee 

  • allocate to the committee agenda items on which there are draft resolutions and decisions that still require negotiation and finalization, according to the latest versions submitted by the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives as the outcome of the meeting of the sixth Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives . 

Opening plenary and informal meetings of the Committee of the Whole

The committee of the whole holds both formal plenary meetings and informal meetings of a drafting group, with the aim of reaching consensus on the outstanding draft resolutions and decisions.  

Representatives of the major groups and stakeholders may observe the proceedings of the committee of the whole and may be invited to make interventions at the discretion of the Chair (rule 70).  

The committee of the whole approves draft resolutions and decisions and submits them to the Environment Assembly for adoption. It also adopts its own report and submits it to the Environment Assembly for consideration. 

Closing plenary of the Committee of the Whole

Agenda item/programme

1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

UNEP/EA.6/CW/1 - Provisional Agenda of the Committee of the Whole

2. Organization of work.

Draft structure of the Committee of the UNEA-6 Whole

3. International environmental policy and governance

Resolutions portal

4. Provisional agenda, dates and venue of the seventh session of the Environment Assembly

UNEP/OECPR.6/L.2 - Draft decision on Provisional agenda, dates and venue of the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly

5. Adoption of the report.

UNEP/EA.6/CW/L.1 Draft report of the Committee of the Whole – [English Advance version]

6. Closure of the meeting. 


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