Current Projects

Country: Republic of the Congo

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21 results found

GEF-10945 Ongoing Biodiversity

To fast-track readiness and early actions to implement the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by providing financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in their work to review and align their national targets, NBSAPs, policy frameworks, monitoring frameworks and finance with the Global Biodiversity Framework

To promote a model for integrated community-based conservation and protected area management applied to the peatland area and its forest ecosystem of the RoC Lac Télé Landscape

Categorized Under: Africa Republic of the Congo

To prevent damage of human health and ecosystems’ pollution by reducing mercury use in the ASGM sector in the Republic of Congo.

Categorized Under: Africa Republic of the Congo

GEF-10269 Ongoing Biodiversity

To catalyze transformational change at a regional level by scaling up best practices and innovations originating from sustainable forest management in transboundary landscapes. This will be realized through the following project components.

To ensure conservation of the marine biodiversity through participative protection of the marine turtle habitat

Categorized Under: Africa Republic of the Congo

To provide financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in their work to develop high quality, data driven sixth national reports (6NR) that will improve national decision-making processes for the implementation of NBSAPs; that report on progress towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (ABTs) and inform both the fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO5) and the Global Biodiversity Strategy of 2021 – 2030.

Ensure biodiversity conservation and management effectiveness through the creation of a protected area complex and the implementation of a communities and private sector participation model.

Categorized Under: Africa Republic of the Congo

Development of National Action Plans to reduce the use of mercury and mercury compounds in, and the emissions and releases to the environment of mercury from, artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing is facilitated by the use of scientific and technical knowledge and tools by national stakeholders in participating countries.

Ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention is facilitated by the use of scientific and technical knowledge and tools by national stakeholders in participating countries

Nine countries prepare and submit intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) to the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Agreement and have institutional arrangements in place that support the INDC process

With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable Mongolia to revise its National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD

Categorized Under: Africa Republic of the Congo

The project will provide financial and technical support to 22 LDCs and SIDS to prepare and submit good quality National Communication (NC) reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which comply with the Convention repo

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